Cycle life of the skin In order to guard on young healthy skin we must learn firstly structure of the skin and important from all the mechanisms of his defense. The skin is the biggest limb in the body. Territory of the skin at person of adult he about 2 meter and from weighed he about 15% from weight of the body. The thickness of the skin is changeable according to the regional the body that is different. In the palms of the hands and the feet/legs he arrives to the thickness of 3 millimeters whereas in the eyelids is situated the most fine skin, less then one millimeter. The skin is made up of from two main layers: Epidermis and the dermis under them lied down subcutaneous fat. First layer of the skin: Epidermis – external coat of the skin, without blood vessel, her main role he is a defense before a penetration of water, radiation, Temp ', and different pollutions. Second layer of the skin: Dermis – a tissue of thick situated connection under Epidermis contains a many blood vessel, sadnesses, receivers of stimuli, glands of sweat, glands of milk, fibrous their college & elastin. Her main role is to give the skin of mechanical strength to feeding the Epidermis, to provide flexibility of the skin. Third layer: (under the dermis) Rich in the cellular fat contains root hair, blood vessel, lymph, glands of sweat. Her main role he is a breakdown of energy by the periods of crisis, hungry, continuous disease of defense before cold and regulation is hate of the body.